Art 2 Final Portfolio

My most successful project this year was my nontraditional portrait. The theme of this project was to create a portrait with different and creative materials. I chose to use tic tacs as my nontraditional material. To make this happen I had to go through a series of steps to make sure it came out just right. First I had to choose the picture I wanted to use. I decided to use a picture of my dog Bailey. After I chose my picture I put it in Photoshop and posterized the picture so it wouldn't be as detailed. Then I thought of what color tic tacs where made and put those colors into the picture to show where that color tic tac would go. When I completed this I got a piece of mat board which was reasonably big and put the picture on the projector and projected it onto the mat board and traced the major lines onto it. This was my final step for getting ready to start the project. I then went to the store and bought light green, orange, and white tic tacs. Since I had all the major lines of the picture drawn I knew where to put each color of the tic tacs. I chose to use hot glue to put down the tic tacs since it would hold them down the best and keep them down the longest because Elmer glue just took the color off of the tic tacs. Some techniques I used to make the project look as professional and neat as possible I made it so all of the tic tacs were aligned in the bigger areas. In some of the smaller areas this wasn't possible and it wouldn't look the best. In the end I think this was my best project I completed all year for many reasons. First of all it was done neatly because I spent a lot of time on it. Second I really liked the idea of the project and I found it fun and interesting so that helped me get more into doing a better job on the project.

The most difficult project for me was the stick situation project. The reason it was so difficult for me to come up with ideas is because you weren't allowed to think so literal, like gum. I spent over half of my project time trying to come up with an idea. For some reason this project just made it really difficult to come up with a creative idea. Once if found out an idea I had to think of ways to incorporate it into the theme. My ideas was Police. I thought of showing a fast speedometer but I just couldn't draw it let alone paint it. Then I had the ideas of showing flashing police lights in a rear view mirror. I had finally come up with my idea but I had little time left to complete it. I started painting and I got everything down, but nothing was very textural and just looked flat. This was very hard for me to fix because I always ran out of paint before I would finish what I was doing so it would always be a different color which made it look badly done. I ended up making a big batch of paint and then doing all of it. Later I added different shades of the color to make it look dimensional and textural. This project gave me them most problem which I had to overcome to make my project look good. Even though in the end it wasn't my best work but I worked hard to make it look the way it was so I was happy with that. That is why this is the most difficult project with the most obstacles I needed to overcome.

Throughout the year I think I really grew as and artist which is best shown in my Up Close and Personal project and my Book Carving project. These two projects helped me learn a lot of new skills which will help me go further in my art classes later in high school. For my Up Close and Personal project I did a fish biting a hook with colored pencil. I had never really used colored pencil other than just small drawings in other classes so just learning to use those helped me out a lot. I also learned blending and other colored pencil techniques. I thought my final for this project came out very well and I think all these techniques helped me make it a good project. The other project that really shows my growth as an artist is the Book Carving project. I chose to do a space type of theme for this project. I started out good but I was going an little fast and cut through about 20 pages of my border. I thought it was going to ruin my project but I just cut them out and everything was fine. The book carving was new to me so everything I learned during this project added to my skills and technique arsenal. I think my idea was creative because we could choose from scientific, fears and phobias, along for the ride, and questionable. I think this is one of the most helpful projects to teach me new skills because it was not the easiest project we have done. That is why these two project help me the most in growing as an artist.

This year teachers introduced a new way of giving us a sort of freedom in choosing materials and subject matter for our projects. We were able to do this on all of our projects but I think I showed my artistic freedom best on the mixed media amusement project. I think this project is a good representation of my choices in media and materials. I chose to do a soccer related them since I find soccer amusing. I brought in from home my soccer magazines and cut some pictures out. I used regular cut outs and photo transfers with the pictures to vary how everything looked as a whole. I then painted a soccer field as the background on a canvas. I made a collage with everything I had cut out. In the beginning it was difficult for me to make it look not so placed and organized. So I tried to make it flow and look more natural so I added some green tissue paper to cover up some of the rougher edges of the cutouts. Giving us so much freedom with our projects really helped me learn a lot of new skills and helped me come up with ideas on my own. For intense on this project I learned photo transferring, how to effectively use gel medium, and how to make my project flow and look like everything that is there should be there. Overall this year was very successful for me in learning new techniques and skills, and helping me grow as and artist.      

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